Heart of America Carnival Glass Association

2014 Heart of America Carnival Glass Association (HOACGA) CONVENTION



Janet and Gary Heavin

Gary will present the seminar on Millersburg glass.  He is the vice president of HOACGA and a long time collector.

SPECIAL DISPLAY; The display will be “Millersburg Carnival Glass”. Please take a good look at your glass and make a list of the “Millersburg” that you would be willing to bring for the educational benefit of those attending the convention and display. Send your list to Bob Grissom email bgrsm31@comcast.net . You will be notified later of the pieces to bring for the display.


Judy Maxwell, at right, brings her knowledge of Emerald Green Carnival Glass to the 2014 HOACGA Convention. The special presenter is the past president of the Southern California Carnival Glass Club. With her is Heidi Ritterbush, current SCCGC president and the 2014 Banquet speaker. Heidi specializes in collecting glass with outstanding iridescence.

EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM: Judy Maxwell, Past President of the Southern California Carnival Glass Club will present an educational program on “Emerald Green” carnival glass. This should be an outstanding talk and presentation of “Emerald Green”

BANQUET SPEAKER: Heidi Ritterbush, President of the Southern California Carnival Glass Club will be our banquet speaker. Heidi is known for only buying pieces with outstanding iridescence. Heidi always gives an informative talk, you will enjoy her presentation.


The recipients of the 2014 John and Lucile Britt Award are Don and Barb Chamberlain.

JOHN & LUCILE BRIT AWARD: This award will be presented to DON AND BARBARA CHAMBERLAIN of Manchester, Iowa  at the Luncheon on Friday. The retired Iowa teachers volunteer for different Carnival Glass clubs, including HOACGA. Barb currently edits the International Carnival Glass Association newsletter.

SPECIAL RECOGNITION AWARD: A special award will be presented to a deserving collector, name to be announced at the time of the award, Friday Luncheon.

ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING: The annual Business Meeting will be held Friday at 2:00 p.m., or immediately following the Britt Award Luncheon.

AUCTION: The collection of Tom and Ann Bumpass will be auctioned on Saturday the Seeck Auction Company. Viewing of the glass will be Friday evening,

BREAKFAST AND MANAGERS SPECIAL (Happy Hour): A special opportunity to visit with old friends and to meet new collectors that will become friends.